Business start-up!

Caroline dear lady thank you, you bought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. The pleasure was mine working with you and your dream back in about 2011!? Yes that long ago and like you we are on the same page with many things, and now we on our next journey, both equally exciting.
Posted: 2022-11-06 12:19 by Lynda

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Business start-up!
Lynda is such a beautiful soul. A few years back Lynda helped me set up a website for a buisness idea I had. I was really nervous about it. Lynda was warm, friendly and helpful through the process. Lynda was so encouraging and inspiring. I now consider Lynda a good friend and a person who I would trust with any idea to help guide me :) If you have the pleasure of meeting this amazing woman you will be the richer for it.
Posted: 2022-11-06 07:25 by Caroline


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